Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Silly Jude...


Maddie has been smiling since she was 3 weeks old - she's such a good natured little charmer. I don't get the chance to get the camera in her face as much as I'd like, but here are a few happy shots from the last few weeks!


So....we've been a little busy here in the Keener house, and I haven't gotten much up for pics. With the dawn of Facebook, I tend to upload pics there because it's so easy, then forget that the grandparents don't get a peek!

Here are a few of Jude reading to Madeleine (and Maisie). The first is from several weeks ago - the one in the playroom is just last week.

What's a 2 year old's favorite word??

why NOOOO, of course! Jude was being super cute today, dancing his little dance to the Thomas the Train theme song...I went and grabbed my phone thinking 'oh, this will be such a cute video to show the grandparents' - but once he realized what I was doing, the 2 year old took over.....